xLearn Demo¶
Copyright of the dataset belongs to the original copyright holder.
Criteo CTR Prediction¶
Predict click-through rates on display ads (Link)
Display advertising is a billion dollar effort and one of the central uses of machine learning on the Internet. However, its data and methods are usually kept under lock and key. In this research competition, CriteoLabs is sharing a week’s worth of data for you to develop models predicting ad click-through rate (CTR). Given a user and the page he is visiting, what is the probability that he will click on a given ad?
You can find the data used in this demo in the path /demo/classification/criteo_ctr/
The follow code is the Python demo:
import xlearn as xl
# Training task
ffm_model = xl.create_ffm() # Use field-aware factorization machine
ffm_model.setTrain("./small_train.txt") # Training data
ffm_model.setValidate("./small_test.txt") # Validation data
# param:
# 0. binary classification
# 1. learning rate: 0.2
# 2. regular lambda: 0.002
# 3. evaluation metric: accuracy
param = {'task':'binary', 'lr':0.2,
'lambda':0.002, 'metric':'acc'}
# Start to train
# The trained model will be stored in model.out
ffm_model.fit(param, './model.out')
# Prediction task
ffm_model.setTest("./small_test.txt") # Test data
ffm_model.setSigmoid() # Convert output to 0-1
# Start to predict
# The output result will be stored in output.txt
ffm_model.predict("./model.out", "./output.txt")
Mushroom Classification¶
This dataset comes from UCI Machine Learning Repositpry (Link)
This data set includes descriptions of hypothetical samples corresponding to 23 species of gilled mushrooms in the Agaricus and Lepiota Family (pp. 500-525). Each species is identified as definitely edible, definitely poisonous, or of unknown edibility and not recommended. This latter class was combined with the poisonous one. The Guide clearly states that there is no simple rule for determining the edibility of a mushroom; no rule like leaflets three, let it be for Poisonous Oak and Ivy.
You can find a small portion of data used in this demo in the path /demo/classification/mushroom/
The follow code is the Python demo:
import xlearn as xl
# Training task
linear_model = xl.create_linear() # Use linear model
linear_model.setTrain("./agaricus_train.txt") # Training data
linear_model.setValidate("./agaricus_test.txt") # Validation data
# param:
# 0. binary classification
# 1. learning rate: 0.2
# 2. lambda: 0.002
# 3. evaluation metric: accuarcy
# 4. use sgd optimization method
param = {'task':'binary', 'lr':0.2,
'lambda':0.002, 'metric':'acc',
# Start to train
# The trained model will be stored in model.out
linear_model.fit(param, './model.out')
# Prediction task
linear_model.setTest("./agaricus_test.txt") # Test data
linear_model.setSigmoid() # Convert output to 0-1
# Start to predict
# The output result will be stored in output.txt
linear_model.predict("./model.out", "./output.txt")
Predict Survival in Titanic¶
This challenge comes from the Kaggle. In this challenge, we ask you to complete the analysis of what sorts of people were likely to survive. In particular, we ask you to apply the tools of machine learning to predict which passengers survived the tragedy. (Link)
You can find the data used in this demo in the path /demo/classification/titanic/
The follow code is the Python demo:
import xlearn as xl
# Training task
fm_model = xl.create_fm() # Use factorization machine
fm_model.setTrain("./titanic_train.txt") # Training data
# param:
# 0. Binary classification task
# 1. learning rate: 0.2
# 2. lambda: 0.002
# 3. metric: accuracy
param = {'task':'binary', 'lr':0.2,
'lambda':0.002, 'metric':'acc'}
# Use cross-validation
House Price Prediction¶
This demo shows how to use xLearn to solve the regression problem, and it comes from the Kaggle. The Ames Housing dataset was compiled by Dean De Cock for use in data science education. It’s an incredible alternative for data scientists looking for a modernized and expanded version of the often cited Boston Housing dataset. (Link)
You can find the data used in this demo in the path /demo/regression/house_price/
The follow code is the Python demo:
import xlearn as xl
# Training task
ffm_model = xl.create_fm() # Use factorization machine
ffm_model.setTrain("./house_price_train.txt") # Training data
# param:
# 0. Binary task
# 1. learning rate: 0.2
# 2. regular lambda: 0.002
# 4. evaluation metric: rmse
param = {'task':'reg', 'lr':0.2,
'lambda':0.002, 'metric':'rmse'}
# Use cross-validation
More Demo in xLearn is coming soon.